The medical examiner’s practical activities are one of the most important components in a medical student’s education. Properly performing these activities will ensure that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to practice as a doctor after graduation. Medical examiners also play an important role in ensuring that every candidate is prepared for their practical exams by providing feedback on how well they performed during each task. Even though it is not possible for every candidate to pass each practical activity during their first attempt, there are still ways that candidates can improve their performance during subsequent attempts at each activity if they receive feedback from an examiner who has observed them before or after their performance takes place.
Relevant Acts (Acts 9, 10, 11 and 12)
The relevant acts are as follows:
- Act 9 of 2017 was passed on November 2nd, 2018. This act established that all medical examiners will be required to undergo training in order to receive certification from the Ministry of Health or the National Police Commission before they can practice their profession.
- The second amendment was made by Act 10 of 2017 which stated that practitioners who have completed their training requirements must pass an examination set by either institution before they can be certified as qualified medical examiners.
- The third amendment came via Act 11 of 2017 which states that there must be at least one qualified examiner per city/municipality with a population over 200,000 people and two qualified examiners per province with over 1 million residents (or one per province). It also requires these officials’ names and contact information be published online so anyone seeking help knows where they can go for assistance when needed.* The final law related specifically on this topic is called “Medical Examiner’s Practical Activities Processing Procedures” (referred hereafter as “Processing Procedures”); this document details how each department should implement these new regulations within its jurisdiction
Jurongspring Pharmacy
JurongSpring Pharmacy provides services to the public. It is located at Jurong Spring Community Club and open to the public during operating hours on Saturday and Sunday.
General and Specialist Pharmacists
The term “pharmacist” can be used to describe both generalists and specialists. A general pharmacist is a pharmacist who has completed the generalist education pathway and is able to prescribe medicines independently.
Specialist pharmacists have completed advanced training in a specific area of pharmacy practice such as hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy or clinical pharmacy (a blend of hospital and community). Specialist pharmacists are able to provide additional expertise in their chosen field, but they do not have prescribing rights unless they also become registered doctors or vets
Types of Practical Examinations in the UK
There are three types of practical examinations in the UK:
- Oral examinations – these take place in front of an examiner and a panel, who will ask you questions about your knowledge. You may also be asked to give a presentation on a topic related to your studies.
- Written examinations – these can either be taken at home or in an exam room at your university or college. They often involve writing essays, but sometimes include multiple choice questions too (MCQs).
- Practical examinations – this type of test involves showing what you know by completing tasks under supervision from an examiner.
Preparation for the Exam
The first thing to do is read the syllabus. It contains all of the topics that will be covered in your practical exam and it’s always good to know what they are before you start studying. Next, revise those topics by reading over any notes you took during lectures or watching them again on YouTube. If there are any additional notes available from your lecturer, ask him/her for these as well.
Next up: textbooks! You’ll want to read through both textbooks thoroughly but make sure not just skimming through them; take notes while reading if possible so that when it comes time for revision later on down the line (or even while studying), it won’t take much effort on your part because so much information has already been absorbed into memory via active learning methods such as note taking and highlighting key terms/phrases which will help boost retention rates when quizzed later on down the line about specific details surrounding those particular subjects being taught during class time
Prepare well before the exam
The best way to prepare for the medical examiner’s practical is to start early and make sure you understand the topics. Do not leave it until the last minute, as this will only cause stress and hinder your ability to learn. Instead, take time during each week leading up to your exam period so that by its start date you are comfortable with all of the material and ready for what is ahead of you.
Do not just read through it; understand it! Do not just read through questions or answers; understand them! This may seem obvious but many people do not take advantage of this simple concept when preparing for any sort of test or examination.
Medical Examiner’s Practical Activities are a great way to prepare for the exam. If you want to take your Medical Examiner’s Practical Activities with confidence, it is important that you prepare well before the exam and make sure that you understand the topics involved in each section.