The United States of America has been experiencing some very difficult times. The country is facing political and economic crises that have left millions of Americans struggling to get by. There are many ways in which the government could help alleviate this burden, but one option that remains off the table is a National Emergency Law. This law would allow for emergency funds to be released in order to assist families who are suffering due to financial hardship or natural disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires.
History of National Emergency Laws
The United States has been in a state of national emergency law since 1933, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared one during the Great Depression to give him more power when it came to dealing with banks and Wall Street. Since then, we’ve had no less than 60 declarations of national emergency the most recent being issued by President Trump in September 2019.
According to USA Today: “The Constitution allows presidents to declare states of emergency and suspend civil rights in case of war or other dangers that threaten public safety.”
What is the current national emergency law?
The current national emergency law is the National Emergencies Act, which was signed in 1976. It allows the President to declare a national emergency and renew it every year.
There are two types of emergencies:
- Public Health Emergencies (PHE) – These include outbreaks of disease or natural disasters that affect public health, such as Hurricane Katrina and 9/11 attacks;
- Economic Security Emergencies (ESE) – These include threats to our economic well-being as a result of disruptions in trade with other countries due to war or other causes
What does the national emergency law do?
The national emergency law allows a president to declare a national emergency and suspend or terminate laws. It also allows the president to seize property and assets, suspend or terminate rights and privileges.
The law was passed in 1976 as part of the National Emergency Act (NEA), which was signed by President Gerald Ford on March 1st that same year. The main purpose of this legislation was to give presidents more power during times of crisis by allowing them access to additional funds from Congress without having approval from lawmakers first and it’s been used twice since then: once by Obama in 2009 when he issued an executive order declaring H1N1 influenza virus pandemic; another time by George W Bush in 2001 after 9/11 attacks on New York City’s World Trade Center towers led him put America under military rule for 30 days following its attack by terrorists linked with al Qaeda organization based outta Afghanistan at that time.
Why do we need a national emergency law?
The United States needs a national emergency law to protect its citizens from natural disasters, terrorist attacks and other threats. A national emergency law would allow the president to take action during times when there is an imminent threat to the safety of Americans or their property. This type of legislation would help ensure that our government can act swiftly in times where there is no time for debate on Capitol Hill before taking action against threats both foreign and domestic.
TheNational Emergency Law
The United States should have a National Emergency Law. The reason for this is because we need to be able to deal with any emergency that comes our way, whether it’s natural or man-made. A national emergency law would give us the ability to act quickly and effectively in times of crisis, so that we can protect our country from harm.
A good example of what such a law might look like would be the Stafford Act (Public Law 100-707), which was signed by President George H.W Bush on November 23rd 1990 following Hurricane Hugo hitting South Carolina back in 1989 as well as other deadly hurricanes during that time period as well–Hurricane Andrew being one example out there too! This piece legislation allowed FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) access throughout America without having jurisdiction over state decisions concerning disaster relief efforts; otherwise known as “delegation authority” where states must give permission before federal agencies can step in during times like these where lives hang in balance due lack thereof resources needed
We hope that this article has helped you understand the importance of having a national emergency law. We believe it’s time for our country to get serious about this issue and pass legislation so that future presidents do not have unilateral power over declaring national emergencies without congressional approval.